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Find out about the documentation services I offer (and the ones I don’t)

How I can help you

As a technical writer, I specialise in making content that helps your customers understand your products and services.

Working with Craig is a game-changer for our projects. His deep understanding of the product and the ability to provide crystal-clear explanations is so helpful for our users!

Elise Petrovic Lead of Customer Success at PhotoRoom

What I don’t offer

  • Training

    In my view, good training comes when you have an articulate, engaging, and knowledgeable speaker. Someone who is more extrovert and charismatic than I am!

    Written communication is what I do best.

  • API Docs

    I’ve worked in software teams for years, so I could do API docs, it’s just that I prefer not to. I find code very dull, so these jobs are better suited to API tech writers.

  • Thought Leadership

    My expertise is in creating specific content for end-users, not general thought-leadership pieces for industry leaders. It’s work that is better suited to people who specialize in it.

Now that you know how I can help you, let’s get things started.

Get in touch

Let’s talk about your project

I’m here to help and offer my expertise as a technical writer. Get in touch and let me know what you need.